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Clicking on the arrow on “Formats” opens a sub-menu


The Heading dropdown allows you to select one of the predefined heading styles. The style shown in the dropdown does not reflect how the text will appear on the page.

Inline Styles

Inline styles are styling parameters that are applied to the text selected and may overide the default style as denoted by the website style sheet. Changing inline styles should be used sparingly as overuse can cause a page to become “unattractive”. As underlining is commonly used to identify weblinks it’s use for emphasis is not recommended.


The Paragrph style is the default style of text on a page and the block quote is used to place the text in a predefined “block quote” format. “Div” is used to create advanced styling that should not be required but can be set up for you. “Pre” is used to provide “Monospaced” text usually used to indicate text on a screen in instructions.


Alignment is self explanatory and follows the formats described in the format section.

Paragraph (text styles)

The Paragraph drop-down shows the paragraph style as well as the heading styles.

Text Colour

Change the foreground colour of the selected content; commonly used to change the text colour. Clicking on the arrow at the side of the “A” opens the colour picker drop-down.

Text Background Colour

Change the background colour of the selected content; commonly used to highlighting text colour. Clicking on the arrow at the side of the “A” opens the colour picker drop-down.

Paste Plain Text

Copying and pasting text from other sites or word processors sometimes leaves the text formatted differently to what you were expecting. The reason for this is that quite often the html tags or codes that formatted the original text are pasted along with the text itself. To avoid this, Paste as Text will strip all these formatting and html tags. The Paste as Text option acts like a toggle, staying on until you turn it off by clicking the button again or until you save your page content.

Insert Image

Insert an image using its link address either internal or external.

Insert Table

Clicking on the arrow at the side of the “table” symbol will open the table drop-down options.

From the Insert table menu there are a number of options – the insert opens a further pop-out with rows and columns that enable you to select how many rows and columns you want in this table.

Additionally the table overall properties can be managed and an existing table can be deleted.

The cell option also opens a secondary pop-out menu that allows you to manage the properties of individual cells, merge two cells into one or split a table into two tables.

The row sub-menu enable you to to manage rows in the document.You can insert additional rows before or after the current row you have highlighted or delete the highlighted row. Additionally you can cut rows from the table and paste them in elsewhere in the table.

The last option is for the management of columns in the table allowing the insertion or deletion of whole columns.

Clear Formatting

Use this to remove all the formatting (for example Bold, Underline, text colour etc..) from the highlighted text.

Character Map

Used to insert special characters not easily accessible via the keyboard (e.g. ¼, ½, ¾, ©, €, ö etc.)


Removes one level of indentation.


Adds one level of indentation.

Undo Last

Undo your last action.

Redo Last

Redo your last action.


Displays information about the WordPress Visual Editor along with keyboard short-cuts.

toolbar_bottom.txt · Last modified: 2017/02/26 05:15 by